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Digital signature – SecSigner

Generate easily and comfortably digitally signed documents or files


SecSigner is an evaluated and validated signature application tool (end user software) for legally binding generation and verification of qualified and advanced signatures for any data and document.

SecSigner version 2.0.0 is certified by the German Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI). For each updated version a manufacturer´s declaration is created according to § 17 SigG of the German Signatures Act.

SecSigner supports a variety of documents, from PDF and image files to XML and eANV documents. The signed documents have a legally binding protection and can be transmitted by mail or stored in a long-term archive. Especially by additionally using SecPKI a legally binding workflow without media discontinuity can be set up.

Please note:

Apart from the SecSigner program you need a valid signature card as well as a card reader: Supported signature cards and recommendations for card readers

SecSigner offers:

  • Generation of qualified or advanced digital signatures
  • Verification of digital signatures and certificates
  • Secure display of different document types (PDF (PDF/A-1 und PDF/A-2), JPEG, TIFF, JBIG, XML and XML-DSig and eANV-Dokumente) in the internal viewer
  • Support of signature certificates
  • Integrationof attribute certificates
  • Support of the latest European signature cards
  • Support of the latest encryption methods (RSA, ECC….)
  • Decryption and encryption of documents
  • Verification of the signature certificates by using blacklists and OCSP
  • Placing of time stamps
  • Integration into other programs like Adobe Reader, Windows and Outlook via the SecSigner plugins and integration of SecSigner into any workflow scenario via an API
  • Integration of SecSigner into websites as signature component


Ways to use SecSigner


Create as an end user digital signatures on a desktop PC

On the following pages you will get an overview about options how to use SecSigner. In the example a PDF is signed and a certificate of acknowlegement (visual signature stamp) is attached.


Questions? Please contact us!More about SecSigner


Integrate SecSigner by using the SecSigner API

There are very different use scenarios and options. Frequently, SecSigner is integrated into other programs in order to enable defined users to sign files in an existing workflow and at any place within this workflow. The files can then be processed and – if necessary – be signed by other people.


Questions? Please contact us!More about SecSigner


Integrate SecSigner into web applications by using the SecSigner applet

Here you can also find different use scenarios. The advantage of the applet integration is that no additional software must be integrated on the client computers (on which the files are supposed to be signed). Applet as well as workflow are shown in the browser. The required files are delivered by your server. The use of the applet requires the installation of Java on the client computers.

Questions? Please contact us!More about web applications


Sign directly in Adobe Reader or Acrobat

Apart from the secure view it is also possible to integrate SecSigner directly in Adobe Reader or Acrobat so that PDF files can be directly signed and later on verified in these programs. Furthermore, SecSigner can also be invoked after the installation via the context menu.

Questions? Please contact us!More about SecSigner

SecPKI Workflow

The use of signatures in order to secure individual workstations

Example: For security reasons, a person in charge is supposed to provide certain forms or PDF documents with an electronic signature on the desktop computer. A central administration and verification of users and signed documents is also required.

For this scenario we recommend the protection of the complete process by combining the SecSigner desktop program with the SecPKI server  for verification and storage of the signature files.

For processing and protection, the documents, which were signed at the workstation, are verified (together with the signature) on server side (SecPKI).
Additionally, a revision-secure long-term archiving of the verified signatures is set up.

By using the products SecSigner and SecPKI you can thus create a legally binding, 100% paper-free workflow without media discontinuity.

Generation of signatures in the browser and online verification

By using the online version of the SecSigner you can create and verify a qualified digital signature.


More about online signature

By using the online version of the SecSigner you can create and verify a qualified digital signature.


Start SecSigner Online

Supported signature cards

Signatures with electronic identity card (nPA), HBA, eANV, D-Trust, ZOD-cards, and many more

Show all supported signature cards 


Mobile Signatures

Mobile signature of important business procedures or PDF´s directly on the tablet or smartphone.

Questions? Please contact us!