
Manufacturers declaration

Until now the regulatory authority has not published yet the manufacturer declaration for SecSigner which was submitted on July 4, 2011.

You can view the manufacturer declaration and the supplement which was also submitted to the regulatory authority by using the following links:


SecSigner 7.48 for Windows

As of now we require for the download of these files a short description of the intended use scenario. This way we can give crucial advice for the use or the integration of the SecSigner and – if necessary – can also point out when a license is required for the use of the products. Thank you very much for your understanding.



    SecSigner 7.48 for Linux

    As of now we require for the download of these files a short description of the intended use scenario. This way we can give crucial advice for the use or the integration of the SecSigner and – if necessary – can also point out when a license is required for the use of the products. Thank you very much for your understanding.


      SecSigner 7.48 for Mac OS X

      As of now we require for the download of these files a short description of the intended use scenario. This way we can give crucial advice for the use or the integration of the SecSigner and – if necessary – can also point out when a license is required for the use of the products. Thank you very much for your understanding.


        SecSigner Java only

        As of now we require for the download of these files a short description of the intended use scenario. This way we can give crucial advice for the use or the integration of the SecSigner and – if necessary – can also point out when a license is required for the use of the products. Thank you very much for your understanding.


          SecSigner developer package
          Java, Mac OS X, Linux & Windows

          As of now we require for the download of these files a short description of the intended use scenario. This way we can give crucial advice for the use or the integration of the SecSigner and – if necessary – can also point out when a license is required for the use of the products. Thank you very much for your understanding.

            SecSigner 7.48

            SecSigner creates digital signatures and thus enables – especially in the context of SecCommerce SecPKI workflow – legally binding contract conclusions without media discontinuity (i.e. 100% paperless).

            The qualified individual signature is used e.g. for signing PDF documents and for invoice release.

            Learn more

            Frequently Asked Questions


            Customers can find all downloads in the customer area

            SecSigner Windows Program (End user)

            Desktop Installation
            SecSigner 7.48 for Windows

            SecSigner Apple Mac OS X Program (End user)

            Desktop Installation
            SecSigner 7.48 for MacOSX

            SecSigner Linux (End user)

            Desktop Installation for Ubuntu, openSUSE etc.
            SecSigner 7.48 for Linux

            SecSigner Java only for example with Linux

            For example, for the integration into web services
            Learn more
            SecSigner Java only

            SecSigner developer package Java, Mac OS X, Linux

            SecSigner-API.javadoc, libraries for trial invocation, e.g. C# and C, JNLP/Webstart files, and more
            Learn more
            SecSigner Dev

            The following SecCommerce employees are authorized to sign deliveries of SecCommerce products:
            Tilo Kienitz, Antonio Guerreiro, Tobias Tiedt, Joschka Wollner

            SecSigner developer version and SecSigner Java only

            Reason for the new request before the download

            As of now we require for the download of these files a short description of the intended use scenario. The reason for this is that SecSigner was unfortunately frequently used in the past for replicas of our products which were subject to charge.

            This also led to numerous support requests from customers who were unsatisfied with the replicated products as the used version was incorrectly integrated which caused errors and problems.

            We want to prevent this now right from the start. With a submitted description of the use scenario we can provide important advice for the use or the products. Thank you very much for your understanding.

            SecSign ID

            With SecSign ID you get a highly secure and convenient two-factor user authentication using a smartphone. The basis is a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). The used challenge response procedure is based on asymmetric encryption with 2048-bit key pairs.

            You can download the SecSign ID two-factor authentication app for free via the following links: