SecVerificationServer is a utility program for:
  • Automatic verification of electronic signatures
  • Automatic decryption of encrypted data


The SecVerificationServer controls incoming directories in a files system. As soon as signed and/or encrypted files have been stored there by a program, the SecVerificationServer verifies, respectively decrypts them automatically. The SecVerificationServer detects independently, if an existing file is signed and/or encrypted. After the process has been completed, the documents are moved to configurable outgoing directories. Different directories are used for valid and invalid signatures.


Verification of signatures

The SecVerificationServer verifies signatures in the following formats:

  • CMS (PKCS#7) SignedData
  • XML-DSig
  • Integrated PDF signature

Signatures are tested for mathematical validity by recalculation of the hash values. Afterwards, SecVerificationServer verifies the certificate chain from a signature certificate to a trustworthy root certificate. CA and root certificates of the trust centers in the environment of the German Signatures Act as well of some European trust centers are included in the SecVerificationServer. We will be happy to add other trust centers on request.

The SecVerificationServer uses an OCSP request to verify, if the signature certificates were valid at the time of the signature.

The results of the mentioned verifications are recorded in a test protocol which is created and stored in the outgoing directory by SecVerificationServer for every verified signature. Test protocols are created in the following formats:

  • HTML
  • XML
  • PDF


During the verification of signatures the SecVerificationServer detects encrypted files and decrypts them automatically, if the required signature card, respectively the software certificate, is available to the SecVerificationServer.


SecPKI Server

All functions of SecSignerServer are also included in SecPKI-Server. Furthermore, SecPKI-Server provides significantly more options and can, for example, as SMTP Proxy, sign and encrypt documents in emails.

We will be happy to advise on the implementation of electronic signatures in your company.

Mass signaturesSecPKI ServerRequest SecPKI Server